Marchiondelli's Digest

About Me

Digital Immigrant, Systems analyst, consultant & Blogger focused on the social web, AI & Robotics. I love to share ideas in english, italiano & español

Claudio Marchiondelli

claudio marchiondelli

I love to share ideas in all the ways I can. I’m able to use english, italiano and español.
I’m a good photographer and video editor, so I can use also this universal languages.


claudio marchiondelli

Years of experience



Cups of tea

“Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza”

“Considerad vuestra simiente: hechos no fuisteis para vivir como brutos, sino para perseguir virtud y conocimiento”.

“Consider well the seed that gave you birth: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge”

Dante Alighieri


My Skills

I write for individuals, big & small companies, videos, printed publications and Blogs.



I’am active on many social media channels.

You can discover more about me on

LinkedIN Twitter Facebook Instagram


  • Copy Writing
  • Information Architecture
  • Content Strategy
  • Product Reviews